The Assault runner was built to be the most powerful and personalized manual treadmill ever created. This treadmill has been expertly crafted to meet the specific needs of professional athletes, home gym users, and commercial owners alike.
Powered by your own stride, the Assault Runner matches your output and then pushes you to give even more. It’s low-impact design also helps promote proper running mechanics and even prevents running related injuries which ultimately allows for a smooth, comfortable running experience.
The Assault Runner is compact, low-maintenance, easy to transport, and requires zero-electrical consumption. Most importantly, this runner will allow you to maintain your running year-round, never allowing those cold, snowy, or rainy days to get in the way of your running goals!
Plus, you have the added convenience of never having to measure out your run distance or plan your route for your workout, the Assault Runner will track everything for you.
Are you ready to take your training back into your own hands?